This website ( covers war and armed conflicts. Partial pictures and contents contained war and graphic images. Please should be aware that it's not suitable for everyone. Leave now please if it's not that kind of website you are looking for.
All contents within this website are dedicated to the educational use, historical documentary and news report. It's not propagated about war, violence and race/gender discrimination. Any negative philosophy are not advocated by this website.
All pictures and materials within this website were collected and sorted by Mr.Congshang Du. The content mainly came from Internet, published books and other public documents. The copyright of photo pictures or other materials is belong to the original author or its legal beneficiaries. Mention the originated source please while sharing, and contact the copyright owner for permission by yourself please if you're looking forward to publishing the content within the website for commercial use. Additionally, in order to be proper for reading and web performance, all pictures in this website have been resized to an appropriate dimension(Generally width and height of each picture were no larger than 2000 pixels). In terms of the limitation of knowledge and experiences of the narrator, mistakes or misunderstandings were unavoidable within the content. Anyone who found any mistake or misunderstanding within this website, or if there's a copyright issue existed, feel free to send us a email that we listed below.
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